Sunday evenings aren't usually fun. The laundry, getting clothes ready for the Monday morning meetings, getting my son to bed at a decent hour and getting his stuff set out for the next morning at day care. Also, thinking about getting up to go off to work and surviving another week.
I have been thinking more and more about cranberry Relish this weekend. I have had many ideas for my website design, my menu, my services offerings,etc. However, it is a little depressing in that I have no idea when it will come to be. We currently have no plans to move North of the border and no Green Card in site, so I wait.
When I started university, no one was diving into the "Culinary Arts" that I knew of. I did was I thought I was supposed to do. I went to school and got an Engineering Degree.
Now days (am I started to sound old or what) shows on the Food Network, Hell's Kitchen, etc. have made being a Chef (or something related) a respected position. Has it become too trendy? I am concerned that my venture into "Chef-dom" and catering is coming at the wrong time. I would hope that those who know me would say that it has been in me all along. My love of cooking, entertaining, and hosting is a part of me that brings me joy. It is my fun! I have been recently volunteering at a recreational cooking school. I help with the prep, serving, dishes, and whatever else is required. Even elbow deep in the piles of dishes, I feel comfort and actually enjoy being there. I dare to say I feel like I belong.
It's a bit scary to think of making the transition into a new career, a new lifestyle of off-hours, and un-ventured territory, but I sit here with a smirk on my face as I imagine the future of cranberry Relish. :)
P.S. I finally finished reading
Kitchen Confidential by Anothony Bourdain tonight. It is a great read (and I don't read many books) although somewhat colorful. Even non-foodies would enjoy it I think.