Thursday, February 16, 2006

Unproductive Day Off

I took the day off unpaid today to organize my house before my inlaws hit next week. It sounded like a great idea, with visions of Pottery Barn or World Market inspired rooms in my head. Well the day is half gone and it basically looks like I've just moved junk around. However you are able to open the guest room door without pending doom (and hence my podiatrist appointment this afternoon after opening the door a month ago). It is a beautiful sunny day and I have the 80's music playing and the windows open. I feel more like hitting the park with the dogs or having a relaxing lunch with a girlfriend, but back to work I go (as Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" plays in the background! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you supposed to organize your house BEFORE the in-laws come ? I was told the in-laws were supposed to be the ones to do the organizing - was I duped ?

12:41 PM  
Blogger Heidi MacInnis said...

You are welcome to stay at my place anytime!;)

1:02 PM  

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